OS support
RMON supports the following OSes:
- EL7 (RPM installation and manual installation). It must be "Infrastructure Server" at least. x86_64 only.
- EL8 (RPM installation and manual installation). It must be "Infrastructure Server" at least. x86_64 only.
- EL9 (RPM installation and manual installation). It must be "Infrastructure Server" at least. x86_64 only.
- Amazon Linux 2 (RPM installation and manual installation). x86_64 only.
Installation on:
CentOS/Red Hat Enterprise Linux/Amazon Linux 2/Oracle Linux
Install the yum-utils package (which provides the yum-config-manager utility), set up the repository, and install the latest version:
- sudo yum install -y yum-utils epel-release
- sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
- sudo yum install rmon rmon-server rmon-socket
Open the following link in your browser: https://your_ip/.
Use the default credentials: login - admin, password - admin.
Installation on Ubuntu
Add the RMON repository to your source list:
- sudo echo \
- "deb [arch=amd64, trusted=yes] \
- $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rmon.list > /dev/null
Run the following commands:
- sudo apt update
Open the following link in your browser: https://your_ip/.
Use the default credentials: login - admin, password - admin.
If you get the "Internal error" after installation, install all requirements via pip3.
After the installation: Configuring RMON
After installing RMON, edit the /etc/rmon/rmon.cfg configuration file. The default configuration is shown below:
- [main]
- log_path = /var/log/rmon
- lib_path = /var/lib/rmon
- # Change secret_phrase to 32 url-safe base64-encoded
- secret_phrase = _B8avTpFFL19M8P9VyTiX42NyeyUaneV26kyftB2E_4=
- [mysql]
- # By default Sqlite DB is used
- enable = 0
- mysql_user = rmon
- mysql_password = rmon
- mysql_db = rmon
- mysql_host =
- [pgsql]
- # By default Sqlite DB is used
- enable = 0
- user = rmon
- password = rmon
- db = rmon
- host =
- port = 5432
Database settings
The default database used by RMON is SQLite. If you want to use MySQL, make the following changes to the configuration file:
- [mysql]
- # By default Sqlite DB is used
- enable = 0
- mysql_user = rmon
- mysql_password = rmon
- mysql_db = rmon
- mysql_host =
- mysql_port = 3306
After editing the configuration file, create the RMON database on your MySQL server:
- MariaDB [(none)]> create user 'rmon'@'%';
- MariaDB [(none)]> create database rmon;
- MariaDB [(none)]> grant all on rmon.* to 'rmon'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'rmon';
- MariaDB [(none)]> grant all on rmon.* to 'rmon'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'rmon';
After creating the database, run the script.
The default database used by RMON is SQLite. If you want to use PostgreSQL, make the following changes to the configuration file:
- [pgsql]
- # By default Sqlite DB is used
- enable = 0
- user = rmon
- password = rmon
- db = rmon
- host =
- port = 5432
After editing the configuration file, create the RMON database on your MySQL server:
- # su - postgres
- $ createuser rmon
- $ createdb rmon
- $ psql
- postgres=# alter user rmon with encrypted password 'rmon';
- postgres=# grant all privileges on database rmon to rmon;
- postgres=# \c rmon
- rmon=# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO rmon;
After creating the database, run the script.
Configuring Apache
If you want to use a custom domain name, make changes to the Apache configuration file for RMON:
- sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/rmon.conf
If you want to enable redirection from port 80 to port 443, add the following lines to your configuration file:
- <VirtualHost *:80>
- ServerName my_domain.local
- Redirect permanent "/" "https://my_domain.local/"
- </VirtualHost>
Find the following lines and replace "" with your domain name:
- <VirtualHost *:443>
- ...
- ServerName my_domain.local
- ...
- </VirtualHost>
If you want to use custom certificates, edit the following lines:
- <VirtualHost *:443>
- ...
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /var/www/haproxy-wi/app/certs/haproxy-wi.crt
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/haproxy-wi/app/certs/haproxy-wi.key
- ...
- </VirtualHost>
Generate SALT
RMON encrypts SSH passwords and SSH passphrases. To ensure that no one but you can decrypt your passwords, generate your own salt and put it in the /etc/rmon/rmon.cfg:
- from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
- key = Fernet.generate_key()
- print(key)